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Wicca and Abortion

Before I go into details, I urge you to remember that this isn’t the way of all Wiccan’s, but only this Wiccan (at the very least).

As someone who is a believer of the protection of life, and the sanctity of said life, the idea of abortion completely, and utterly repels me. I am aware that this particular post could very possibly receive some hateful words, but I am prepared to face them peacefully. As a forewarning, any insulting comments will be removed, only those looking for a good-natured debate, or positive comments, will remain.

Wiccan’s (as I have said on multiple occasions) live by one very important rule:


That rule not only applies to people who have exited the womb, but also to any animal, born, or in utero. Whether he/she has harmed you, bullied you, stole from you, or ruined your life in any way shape or form. We. Harm. None. Period. That means physical harm, emotional harm, mental harm, and most importantly, magical harm.

I had a discussion with a young college girl on a Facebook post in a witches group. A guy there was teasing her, over and over and over and over again, until finally one day she threatened him with a curse. She followed through with said curse. I read the comments and mentioned that it was against our beliefs to curse someone who has wronged you, and that it will come back ten-fold.

Yes, there are witches who are not Wiccan’s, but I was definitely not pleased with how this lady handled the situation. If you are truly Wiccan, you meditate on the situation, ask the Goddess and God for guidance, and pray that they will lead him/her down the right path.

Now, back to the topic on hand. An unborn fetus is still considered life. It breathes, it has a heartbeat, and it thinks, dreams, moves it’s flanges, etc. That is life! Whether or not he/she is not in this world, drinking from his/her mothers breast, walking this planet or soaking in its sun, it IS life, and we do not terminate said life under any circumstances.



If you are a rape victim and get pregnant, on what grounds are you in the position to  end life? Yes, I can understand that being raped is a traumatizing experience that you would rather forget, but the unborn child does not know any better. For all you know, that child could be the next Einstein, or the person who cures cancer, or the next Leonardo DaVinci. Would you end that life before he/she had the chance to even enter this world and find out for his/herself? That child will be the light of your life, and even if you don’t want the “constant reminder”, then adoption is always an option. Ending life, is never an option.

I am very pro-life, as being pro life has never harmed anyone (golden rule), but pro-choice has definitely harmed others, as everything is this life that we live is a choice. Being pro-choice gives us the chance to harm others, whereas being pro-life gives us the chance to harm none, and start new life.


Imagine your parents decided to get an abortion with you. You wouldn’t be here reading this. You wouldn’t have become the person that you have worked so hard to be. Being pro-life, and anti-abortion saves more lives than does pro-choice.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share. If you have a derogatory statement, or an insult, I encourage you to keep it to yourself.

Thank you, and blessed be!

White Tiger

2 thoughts on “Wicca and Abortion

  1. Well done. As a Christian I believe wholeheartedly that life begins at conception. I know that there are most certainly hard circumstances that can occur. But when looking at the statistics…hard case abortions are around 1% of those that occur. Instead, the majority of abortions happen because that beautiful, precious little life is simply “not convenient.” Is that what our “progressive society” has come to? Now we can decide who lives or dies based on our convenience and comfort? Apparently we are God and our convenience is what trumps all! Just thoughts…but abortion I believe is one of the greatest evils that our society has embraced.

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